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Re: How short is the shortest fast?
chrisb1 Views: 8,709
Published: 17 y
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Re: How short is the shortest fast?

I could be mistaken here folks, but I think The Master Cleanse works on similar principles as the Pauling/Rath cure for Heart Disease.!!!

These two men discovered that arterial plaque (and therefore Heart Disease) was formed ONLY in the Arteries........ but nowhere else along the pipeline we call the circulatory system. This got them to thinking as to WHY this was the case.

The constant pumping action of the Heart muscle leads eventually to slight wear and tear. These abrasions are normally healed by the action of sufficient Ascorbate or Vitamin C: but most diets do not include nearly enough of this Vitamin.
So what happens?
A repair crew (cholesterol) are sent via the Liver (meaning you have higher cholesterol readings) to seal and heal this wear & tear, which over time causes a build-up of this arterial plaque.

They theorized that if they supplied a sufficient amount of the Vitamin, then arterial plaque would not form. They were right, with experiment after experiment.
They also found that this process was much more efficient if they included two essential amino acids....Lysine & Proline.

Voila.......a cure for Heart Disease that your Doctor will not inform you of, because he/she doesn't even know it exists. They don't know it exists, because the Pharmaceutical Companies make absolutely certain of it. There is no profit to be had from selling a non-patentable product.

In the same way I think the nutrient protocol in The Master Cleanse works by cleaning the Liver/Gall Bladder of stones by ousting and dissolving them.

Just a theory of mine, that they both work on the same principle.





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