By definition, a religion is a world view that tells us what to believe and how to live. It is composed of ideas, i.e. doctrines, and values, i.e. morals. A religion wants us to accept certain ideas as the True explanation of all that is. Intellectual assent to these ideas is what constitutes "faith." But a religion not only wants our intellectual assent that certain ideas or concepts are true, but it also wants us to obey a list of commands and prohibitions. In other words, a religion expects us to obey its law and observe its rites and rituals.
Is Islam A Religion?
Is Islam a religion? Of course it is. It puts forth various ideas which it claims to be the Truth and it demands that all men believe them. It also demands that all men obey its laws and observe its rituals.
In order for us to dialogue, we have to begin with ideas that we both accept as true. The common ground that we have is the truth that "Islam is religion." Do you accept that statement? We do. It seems self-evident to us that Islam is a religion.