Charcoal & chlorophyll may not take away BO without cleansing first
Hi everyone:
FYI: Charcoal didn't help my son at first because he still had the odor accumulated in his intestines for years. He has not yet been tested for TMAU, so his BO might have also been caused by infections or toxins other than TMA, but he chose to try the TMAU diet alone to see if it worked for him, and it did.
It wasn't until he began his treatment with a thorough intestinal cleansing (like the one you would do if you were going to have surgery on your digestive tract or a colonoscopy) to then rebuild the intestines with acidophilus and a low choline diet, that he truly saw results. By the way, you can do a thorough cleansing without having to do an enema.
Even though a low choline diet still has choline, the charcoal and chlorophyllin are able to handle the lower levels of odor in the "cleansed and new" gut environment. If you have TMAU and eat foods high in choline, the charcoal and chlorophyllin cannot handle the load, and significant amounts of smelly TMA remain in the gut penetrates the intestines enter the blood, and come out in your bodily secretions, like your sweat, urine, sexual secretions, oil in your hair, saliva and breath.
FYI, The good thing about charcoal is that it is not absorbed into the blood and is completely eliminated with your BM. Chlorophyl, on the other hand, is absorbed into the bloodstream, but it cannot be bad for you since it is the green substance that makes our vegetables green.
Please let people in this forum know what works and doesn't work for you, so we can exchange ideas and maybe figure out why you're not having good results. It might just require a minor adjustment.