Not diagnosed hypoglycemic, but still have to watch it..
Hi 17163 :),
Well, I haven't been 'diagnosed' with hypoglycemia, but I definitely know what low blood sugar feels like. I've had to keep an eye on mine for years, especially if I get into a high-stress situation that may last awhile (Like it is right now). Therefore I wanted to respond to you in case my experience helps you.
I have been drinking the following every day for 4 days now:
Mixed with distilled water:
1 tbsp organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses
1 good long squeeze of fresh lemon
1 good squeeze of raw, unfiltered honey
about 1 1/2 tbsp of Bragg's ACV
Yesterday and today I have also added 1 tbsp dilution of limewater (IOW one tablespoon of a gallon of liquid, which liquid is made by adding 1 tablespoon of pickling lime to 1 gallon of distilled water.). that ratio is *very* important.
I don't 'measure' any of the ingredients of this drink except for the limewater.
Today I also added 1 small pinch of Epsom Salts.
I drink this mixture through a straw, over about half an hour of time or so.
I have only been drinking it once per day, sometime in the AM.
The taste? It's delicious, if you ask me..
This may not be quite exactly Moreless' recommended recipe, but right now it's what I've got to work with (Until I get hold of some kelp, when I will add that too).
My blood sugar has remained stable with no problems, and I was a little concerned about it, too. However as I said, no Doctor has ever diagnosed me with hypoglycemia, so you must do what you feel it is right for you to do.
One note FYI: I have noticed that this, while a substantial drink, is still not a substitute for eating.
Best of luck,