Re: Plasticat
Honestly, I think doctors are usually NOT independent thinkers, but merely glorified technicians. They regurgitate what they have been taught and that's the extent of their thinking.
I can't tell you how many doctors refused to give me a hormone test, regurgitating the same old saw that hormone tests weren't readily available, fluctuated too much to be tested accurately, etc, etc. I finally found a doctor who said, "sure, no problem" and the tests turned out to be very consistent.
I beieve the doctors/"technicians" really don't know any better. They probably don't have access to the tests we want as they aren't part of their usual protocol. Tho MRSA bacteria has been in the news lately, few are set up to test for it tho they don't want to admit it! The same old story.
We really do have to be pro-active in our own health.