Intermittent Fecal Odor. Can You Help, Please???
I just finally got the nerve to go to a GI doc after 10 years of suffering with this and he basically blew me off by telling me it could be in my head and that he didn't smell anything. I tried to explain that it's not a constant smell, but he just humored me with some literature about gas and sent me on my way. After 10 years, I can say with all certainty that it's NOT just in my head.
My symptom is an INTERMITTENT odor, which sometimes has a fecal odor, sometimes smells like flatulence, sometimes like burnt rubber and other times I can't even describe it. It's almost like I'm passing gas but I know I'm not. It happens on average a few times an hour, but varies. I work in an office and every day I dread going in because of the comments from my co-workers, I'm very close to quitting. I rarely leave the house anymore if it's not necessary. My social life has become non-existent.
I've altered my diet in every way imaginable but nothing has cured the problem in the short run and I don't stick with anything because I don't know if it's helping.
I've read many of the posts on this forum but I'm having trouble determining which of these people share these particular symptoms. I'm also having trouble sorting through the all various cures recommended for different problems. Please help.