comsidering extended water fast for extreme dry skin
Hi guys...
Well things continue to digress. I am in constant pain from my skin- the terrible burning sensation and the ceaseless itching are driving me mad. My skin bleeds all of the time. It seems like I am losing even more moisture from my body- my skin is so tight that I literally have a hard time moving.
It hurts to lay down at night (i get very little sleep anyway). My scalp is covered in scabs and pustules. When I run my hand through my hair, it comes out with blood, pus, dead skin, and dark flaking scab bits all over it. These sores HURT so bad...even the pillow hurts them.
My body is still white with dead skin- no kind of exfoliation process works at all, nor does any type of lotion. People always say "Dry skin? Just put on some lotion"
I could put on a whole bottle of lotion and my skin would be cracking and peeling off 20 minutes later.
I can't even show any emotion in my face any more because expressions cause such pain. Even a slight smile tightens the burning skin and worsens the rash and causes a cascade of dead skin to fall from my face. I have dead skin everwhere! I have to brush it off my bed and it literally falls on the floor like snow.
I know trysten has
Acne too but she appears to have only this one problem.
Acne is just a TINY part of my problem and my overall problem is getting much worse.
I am trying to have hope but I'm finding it extremely difficult. It's hard to stay positive when you are in constant pain (i know some can commiserate with this).
The doctor that I am going to right now (alternative leaning) specializes in skin and digestive complaints. He has absolutely no idea what is going on with me. He's never seen a skin condition like mine before and he's been practicing for like 40 years. We're trying test after test after test after test but nothing is coming back conclusive. He's grabbing at straws. He's got me on about 6 different supplements right now (and have been for months) and he's really frustrated that I show NO improvement whatsoever.
I guess he'll end up having to give up like all of the other doctors did. I don't know why I thought that he would be any better, but I did. My mistake. $250 a visit to do test that I've already had done numerous times before and to take supplements that I've already taken in the past with no success.
So, I'm thinking of just starting something like a month long water fast. I know that sounds severe but my condition is severe and it's killing me.
I've done juice fasts in the past (10 day fasts) and have never recieved any benefits from them and I've read that the only true fasting is with water- the body goes into hyper healing mode when it only has water.
Anyways, let me know what you think...