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Air some points
biosafe Views: 1,966
Published: 17 y

Air some points

Snake oil is the ultimate cure all. ClO2 is the closest thing to snake oil I know of.

2 1/2 years ago rejected an application for funding from Jim Humble for $10,000 for more test and trials using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , no approvals for use.

I don't post under anything but biosafe, and once only posted using my anonymous #92756.

I still have the same issues:
Activation: all these differnt recipies and no optimum activation curve.
MMS Protocol regarding PPM of free ClO2
Chlourous acid.
Dangerous Goods
Detoxong V overdosing.

I originaly offered assistance and help last year to Adam Abraham/Jim Humble, with all believing they were right, told I was wrong and help rejected.

I have Gvt Confirmation Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is Hazchem.

MMS Pacific (Above) I believe was emailed by the Aust Federal Gvt yesterday being informed up to 7 years jail for offence sending Miracle-Mineral-Supplement by post and air.

Other than a mouthwash patented to Biosafe we did not make retail packs.

The packs we now have was specificly made from an order from a MMS converted and has still not been sold by me but I have given away product to those who asked.
I will not be marketing the product.

Fact, MMS can be easily overdosed on MMS protocol.
Fact, MMS users complaining of ill health are suffering ClO2 toxicity in their system.

People should listen to posts from firefox, Tom: he has a passion to just be sure and correct if necissary.

I mean no personal harm to anyone and have told plenty of people my recomendations for using their MMS, privatley.

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" '' '' '' '' ' ' '' ''' Mechanic.
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