Re: Please help
Good advice so far. Milk thistle, turmeric, selenium all protect the liver (and should help with the chemo) as does alpha lipoic acid - and those are all compatible. However, your mom really needs to cleanse her liver and keep the bile flowing. Coffee enemas and coconut oil could help. There are any number of good cleanses to be found on this forum. Essaic is a good cleanser and detox that also has pretty good cancer fighting properties and also helps with side effects.
You might want to take a look at my article:
Liver and Bowel Cleansing
The best advice of course would be to get your mom turned from treatments like chemo and radiation that do so much harm while trying to eliminate symptoms and turn her to nature for a true lasting cure.
Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer
A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol (And I will put that anti-cancer protocol up against anything you can find in all of CureZone.)
Since it sounds like it will be hard to get your mom off chemo and radiation, I would strongly suggest looking at oleander extract. Oleander has been proven to either eliminate or greatly alleviate all known side effects of chemo and most of radiation as well, including hair loss (with the sole exception in chemo being hair loss when Cisplatin is the drug of choice). It also greatly increases the odds of success with both chemo and radiation.
You can make oleander yourself, get the patented medicine Anvirzel from the Salud Integral clinic in Honduras ( for about $2700 per three month supply, or get the dietary supplement Sutherlandia OPC which has recently geared up production bigtime due to huge successes in South Africa (100% for HIV and over 90% for cancer) and as a result this has dropped the price to $60 for a one month supply including shipping (
Last but not least is to do all you can to keep your mom in good spirits and with a positive outlook. Encourage her towards nature as much as you can, but try to do it in a supportive manner. The mental part of beating cancer is often overlooked.
I wish your mom and you the very best.