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Obama Hussein whines about losing to an old lady in a pant suit.
MtnnnDewww Views: 306
Published: 17 y

Obama Hussein whines about losing to an old lady in a pant suit.

Obama Hussein doesn't get it. The Clinton Machine + "outside interests" did this newbie in...and he whines and bumbles and stumbles his way through explanations. I notice his speeches don't flow when he's not in a big arena after 10 straight wins. When he takes a couple kicks to the groin he turns quite weak. Nobody feinting, now, Barack. Message to all you Hussein Obama supporters...if the guy can't take a hit from a 60 year old woman in a pant suit, how would he do taking a sharp knife to the neck from a real enemy like Iran? Huh? I don't hear you...can you speak up?


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