Probably, but I've seen holistic doctors and have been trying candida diets, antifungals, and probiotics for the last 4 years and it's never made any noticable improvement. It's made me feel worse lots of times but never better. I just got done taking a box of lb17 probiotics and I don't feel any better. Poorer, but not better. The naturopath I saw a couple months ago didn't think it was a candida problem but said something about an autoimmune disorder although she didn't really explain what that was or how to treat it. She also said the 4 or 5 courses of prednisone and 2 shots of cortisone I was given a couple years ago are still in my system and causing lots of problems but she didn't say what to do about it. Is it possible they're still in my system and if they are does anyone know how to remedy this problem?