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Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

HealthSearcher Views: 3,513
Published: 17 y

Please help - Unidentified "parasite" from 1st flush?



This is my 1st post on this wonderful community. First, I want to thank the many participants who are sharing their experiences/knowledge so we can all profit from them! I know I have :)

Now on to my post: For the last 4 months, I’ve been suffering from multiple intermittent symptoms that are starting to really depress me as I see no end in sight (yet). They are:

- Pain around the gallbladder, liver & pancreas area (not necessarily after a meal)
- Pain in the kidneys
- Coughing, puffy eyes, ringing in my ears, nausea
- Stomach and mouth ulcers
- Diarrhea, headaches, joints pain, muscles pain
- Stomach swelling
- Petechiae (small blood dots on skin), itching, skin rashes
- Numbness and tingling on my face and back

- Also, and what is the most disconcerting, I get very sharp (but short lived) “needle” pains everywhere in my stomach, and the pain is changing place daily, sometimes hourly, i.e. one moment to the left side of my stomach, the next, a few inches below, etc. Since a few days ago, I even started to have an almost continuous pain in the thorax area and sometimes the pain moves over my heart area toward my left shoulder.

Note that most of these symptoms started after a period of my life that was extremely stressful. From that point on, I lost 25 pounds in 2 months (from 163 lb to 138 lb).

After reading countless forums, health websites, etc, I have a few theories about the source of these symptoms:

- My extreme stress greatly lowered my immune system, which combined with the extra toxins produced by my rapid weight loss, made my blood very toxic. This in turn changed my bile composition so much that it resulted in gallstones, whish would explain my gallbladder/liver/pancreas pain. At one point the pain was so strong that I believe I suffered a pancreatitis. My gallstone theory was confirmed about 1 month ago when I went to the emergency with a particular acute gallbladder attack combined with multiples “needle” pain. They did a few tests, including an ultrasound, which confirmed a .7cm partially calcified gallstone “swimming” in biliary “sludge”. This would explain my gallbladder attacks and the ensuing pancreatitis. However, they could not explain at all the multiples “needle” pain…

Following on my ultrasound results, last week I decided to do a liver/gallbladder flush (Andreas Moritz protocol) with saltwater flushes before and after the liver/gallbladder flush (I choose SWFs instead of colonics since they also cleans the intestines, which colonics don’t)

You can see the results in the included picture. I got out a total of 50 regular stones and 2 partially calcified stones. What I did NOT expect to see was what looked like small worms or larvas coming out with the stones the morning of the flush!? Note that after a few hours, these unidentified objects “deflated” and became very flat. The “fresh” “objects” were round, shiny and translucent (and pinkish).

If these are actually worms, it would definitely explain these “needle” pains I get as the worms move around and pierce my muscle tissues. What scares me the most is this also means they could get into one of my vital organs :( Maybe they already have. It’s even possible they could have precipated my pancreatitis if they are of the Ascaris types, as they are big nomads and sometimes they go inside billiary ducts…Scary stuff!!

I know I could start a deworming program (Humaworm, Paragone, etc), but from what I’ve read on curezone, I’m afraid the “worms” would “scatter” even further in my tissues, making the matter even worse!?

So my questions are:
-Do you have any ideas what these unidentified objects are? If yes, what are they? Which types?

Any comments/solutions will be GREATLY appreciated!



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