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Re: Foods to avoid, help me out please
ParaZapper Views: 1,933
Published: 17 y
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Re: Foods to avoid, help me out please

>- If you insist on eating vegetables, make sure you AVOID NIGHTSHADES:

* Tomatoes: raw, in sauces, in salad, in cooking, they are everywhere
* Potatoes: raw, cooked, mashed, french fries, chips
* Peppers: bell peppers, chili peppers

I find this to be very disturbing and wrong!

Tomatos are shown to have definite anti-cancer properties as have peppers.

I would avoid potatos as they are a starch which is basically a condensed form of sugar.

>- * Cow Milk: Avoid All forms of dairy, cheese, butter, low fat, pasteurized milk, etc.

I disagree with this partially. Kefir or a good yogurt are both beneficial. Also, cottage cheese is beneficial to the absorbtion of some Omega fatty acids that are important in stopping cancer.

Either I did not see it, or you left out the most important nutritional factor in fighting cancer sugars.

Avoid Sugar and Sugar concentrates such as starches. Sugar is the substance that cancer thrives off of. Cancer metabolizes sugar. Taking cinnamon twice daily reduces the amount of available Sugar in the blood. Also avoid artificial sweeteners.

You can do everything else mentioned above but you will not beat cancer if you eat lots of sugar.


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