Re: Question for getting well or matchmaker on enema?
Hi Mooney,
I used Liqui-Dulse and I also have Liqui Kelp. Both being seaweed that has vitamins and minerals contained in it. I just liked the idea of it being seaweed. I thought it might be safer because it says on each of the bottles to take 4 drops in water per day. I used 6 drops of the liqui-Dulse in warm purfied water but the enema bag that I was using at the time was the old fashion hot water bottle which is larger than a fleet enema container that Getting Well used. Like Getting Well said, you will have to experiment but if you use less water then use less drops to start with.
I also purchased a whole ripe pineapple and juiced it and drank the whole thing right before I did the enema. RG says that pineapple will peel the skin off of tapeworms and that it did!!!!!!! This is horrible but I must share. I started feeling a thumping feeling in my stomach like a baby kicking. For all mothers out there you know what I mean. I guess it was the big boy getting his skin peel for the day. I already shared this before but after I did the enema, which I was in the upstairs bathtub I seen this thing come out that was white and then it got stuck in the drain and his mouth was open. I was in shock.
I just did my Hulda Clarks Liver flush last week and I highly recommend it. That flushes the liver. I believe that the enema targets the colon.
This information is coming from my book called Prescription for Dietary Wellness by Phyllis A. Balch, cnc. There are two types of enemas - cleansing enemas and retention enemas. Cleansing enemas are used to flush out and clean the colon. Retention (or suppository)enemas are held in the colon for a specified period, and are designed to aid the absorption of necessary nutrients and antitoxin substances, like coffee, through the colon wall. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver to secrete toxins and help loosen month's and year's worth of fecal matter that has built up on the colon walls. She says to open up two capsules of acidophilus capsules and add to the contense to enhance the detoxification and replace friendly bacteria. You can also add 1/4 cup of good grade aloe vera juice to soothe the lining of the colon and supply many beneficial nutrients.
She says that the Cleansing Enema that can be used daily is made up with the juice of two lemons in two quarts of warm water.
The retention enema is to be done during fasting portions of teh cleansing and healing program. Only 1/12 cups of solution is required so it is easy to retain.
To make a coffee enema, in a saucepan, put 6 heaping tablespoons of fresh (not instant) preferable organic, ground coffee adn 2 quarts of quality water. Bring to a boil over high heat and boil for fifteen minutes. Remove it from the heat, allow the mixture to cool and strain out the coffee grounds. Use only 1 1/2 cups at a time and save the rest in the refregerator. If you are adding acidophilus and /or aloe vera juice, wait until the coffee is cool before adding them. Use this enema once a day (mornings are the best) while detoxifying to relieve headaches that may be caused by the release of built-up toxins. DO NOT OVERUSE COFFEE ENEMAS. When not detoxifying use them only occasionally as needed.
For additional detoxifying power, you can add 6 drops of liquid Kyolic to retention (suppository)enemas.
Wheat grass suppository enemas are used in many clinics and are beneficial for people who have cancer or virtually any other disorder. To make the enema, add 1/4 cup of fresh wheatgrass juice to 1 cup of warm quality water. If wheat grass juice is not available, a freeze dried product called Sweet Wheat, is available in health food stores and is a good substitute. Place 1 teaspoon in quality water and mix well. If you wish, you can add 1 tablespoon to your cleansing enemas as well.
I hope this helps someone out there.
Humaworm and the plain liver flush is top on my list....Donna