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"What do you want and WHY do you want it" - A testimonial!
This is a follow up post to this message to Trysten:
This "What do you want and Why do you want it" game is AMAZING!!!!!!!
This is the the Creative Workshop Process on page 155 of "Ask and it is Given"
2 weeks ago, my partner was moaning about the type of work that was coming through.
I decided to help him play this game. We spent around 3 hours playing it - covering every possible angle of his work. He found the feeling place of it and has spent a few minutes every day visualising it all.
Yesterday, he got the PERFECT job offer for him. He got a phone call, seemingly out of the blue! He didn't even have to apply for it.
EVERYTHING on his list (and even better actually) came up and not only all that, but a 60% .. YES!!! 60% increase in $$$$$$
And 2 weeks ago, I was playing this game about a new car I wanted. And because of this increase in $$$$$$$$$, I am getting the new car out of it!
Be Inspired!!!!!!! Deliberate creation works for everyone who is prepared to put in a little effort. And it's not effort really, just a fun game to raise you vibration and to activate something new :-) Let LOA do all the rest.
Get tuned in, tapped in and turned on!
Maya X