What toss....
I'm a long time proponent of oxygen supplementation, and just recently I've discovered
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement It sounded incredible so I bought two bottles which were totally inexpensive. I'm taking it as prescribed and am experiencing identical 'symptoms' as when I've taken Hydrogen Peroxide and stabilised oxygen powder capsules. I feel the slight wave of nausea I've experienced is actually toxins flushing and can be easily cleared or prevented simply by drinking more water - lots of it! Also, the dihorrea is 'flushing'. Do the oxygen flush with stabilised oxygen powder and phew... that's dihorrea, but it's a flush! Pure evil comes out, and that's exactly where it should be... out! True, it should say on the bottle 'dihorrea - don't go into school today!'
Similar with activated
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement drops - the mild side effects, I feel is my body detoxing.
And 'Biosfae', if you're simply saying '28%
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is too stronger dilution' and that 'your product is better and everyone should buy it from' you... at least string together a literate rant sans - CAPS! No one going to buy your product or your word if you're righteous and opinionated, and can't use spell check!