Thanks for the help :) I actually have done alot of research already on vaccines and both dad and I have decided not to vaccinate our baby. I just didn't come across anything about adults and the chicken pox vaccine..he knows they are bad but they're pressuring him to get it. I can't really find anything on adults and vaccinations :(
I do eat alot of fruits and veggies..fruit ecspecially. I take an organic whole food prenatal and omega 3's. I drink red rasberry tea too, I get massages from a doula and I rarely eat processed foods/sweets. I'm getting sunshine and working out. My chiro gave me standard process which I "thought" was good??? My leg cramps are the only problem I've had thus far. I would love to read those books...I'm going to order them.
Do I find those books on your site or Dr. Christophers??