Vaquisitionists often cook up studies on genetics, falsify reports and completely dupe human cattle to believe they are a part of a herd. They cling to their Bad Science like a religion - which it is. When all is said and done, their Empire is crumbling.
Flu vaccine most likely does cause "brain inflammation" in the elderly. After all, This vaccine contains thimerosol known to be primarily mercury.
The rest of Bacon's bleating about imaginary "toxins" is similarly clear idiocy, which explains why he has no respect in the Curezone and Natural Health community. In fact I would wager if he vaccinates as much as he pushes vaccinations we'll still be on this forum while he is dealing with a case of early onset Alzheimers.
Oh and that fluoride in your drinking water is swimming around your teeth and going straight to your brains, thats not gonna help with the alzheimers either.