Better start transfering those accounts offshore. Inheritances better start siphoning to the kids, transferring those assets as we speak. Seniors wanting to avoid inheritance taxes for their kids...start giving away, that cash, those vehicles you don't use, whatever you have that's worthy. Don't wait until you die because Obama & Co. will take 50% and give it away before your kid's very eyes. Time's a wast'n, folks. Get those small businesses opened pronto so you can equalize with write-offs your spouse's W-2 income that is gonna get whacked. Barack Hussein Obama looks like he's coming to town to take what you've got and give it away to lower levels of society. McCain and his apologies are gonna get blown to bits. Start getting your financial house in order, ladies and gentlemen, because the IRS is Barack's personal piggy bank and you and I are the ones he wants to fill it.