Free PDF download from Charlotte Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. As a past worker in the education system at the national level during the Reagan administration, Charlotte chronicals the systematic method by which control & management of this nation's edcuation system was literally - in a political sense, handed over to internationalists in charge of management & control of worldly things from the global perspective. The main thrust of the political maneuvering necessary to hand over control of the education of Americans to globalists occured between the early 1900s through the mid 1960s. Since then the bulk of maneuvering has occured on the various fronts of making so - the implementation, the directives spelled out in those now aged legal charters. For instance, some of you may recognize some of the more recent calling cards, buy lines and or manifestations and implementation; OBE.... Head Start.....No Child Left Behind... "it takes a village....", as a few for instances.