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Re: Supreme Court Shields Medical Device Manufacturers from Consumer Lawsuits
Zoebess Views: 1,606
Published: 17 y
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Re: Supreme Court Shields Medical Device Manufacturers from Consumer Lawsuits

Wowser, this should be a must read article as it
heralds a new era most certainly. It feels like
Russian Roulette to me...and ALL bets are off if
they give immunity to Drug Companies which seems
very possible in the current politicians in bed
with corporations political climate. For me, this
is a defining moment that also makes me sad as now
we are as lambs being led to slaughter. It is
obvious from past situations, for example, with
the current Gardisil drug, that the oversight is
not there and the watchdogs turn an eye. Rumsfeld
paved the way with Aspartame and now it seems
there is little hope for any level of accountability
to the consumer. It sounds to me as if the eugenics
program has shifted a notch and that as the sheet
comes down the line, the only choice we have
remaining, is to eat it or not. In some cases,
especially relative to minors, often this choice
is also being claimed by the government.

Thank you very much for sharing this~~

best wishes,




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