In a LOT of pain.
I posted a few weeks ago about cold sensitivity and the dentist wanting to do a root canal. The pain has progressed since then to something that sounds suspiciously like trigeminal neuralgia, which i have read can start after dental work that traumatized the nerve. I have pain that comes in waves and is only one sided. It is centered right in front of my left jaw joint and can radiate to both upper and lower teeth, my tongue, the roof of my mouth, my throat, my neck, my eye, and all the way to the top of my head. The pain can be so intense I can't even talk for fear of moving my tongue and making the pain worse. Then it will disappear as suddenly as it came. Cold seems to be the main aggravating factor and it is winter here in Montana so that doesn't bode well. The suspicious tooth still has no other symptom besides cold sensitivity. I have been oilpulling though not real consistently. Has anyone had this kind of pain and had oil pulling help? I can't live with this its worst I would rate it an 8 out of 10, but then it will go away for awhile. I am ready to do some serious drugs and also murder my dentist.....just kidding (I think).
Here is what I am doing now: oil pulling with toasted sesame oil,
using the black paste from Ascended Health, using an herbal mouthwash from "Cleansing or Surgery." I also ordered an oral irrigator from the Robert Nara DDS website. The problem is that ALL these things trigger episodes of the pain. ACK!
I am thinking I will need to go get some medicine for trigeminal neuralgia, and then work on my teeth not having to worry about triggering pain.
Any encouragement at all would be appreciated.