Re: That is a must read!
Absolutely~~its fine. I feel there cannot be enough
information shared when it can make a difference.
It can make a difference if this current political
machine can be effected by new management in the
White House. Currently, two states have tried in
earnest to ban
Aspartame products from their states
and yet because of power lobbyists and other influences,
they have been unsuccessful. These states are New Mexico
and Hawaii, although the effort is ongoing to get these
products removed from store shelves~~
I listened to Hillary Clinton brag about all the
people she knows and leaders and lobbyists last
night on CNN and all I could think of was that
for all her influence already, she has been a part
of the problems we have already, and has done so
little to protect us from big corporation influence
like Monsanto. She has wielded her expertise as
a lawyer in a way which is frustrating and also
has proven damaging to the health of the American
public, including sitting on the board for Walmart
for 6 years and helping Monsanto garner favor over
the years~~
I look forward to seeing your full report~~!