It is not just dizziness that results from low blood pressure, fatigue can also be a problem too.
Low blood pressure can be as bad as high blood pressure.
Take a cup of raw beetroot juice two times a day for the low blood pressure.
Rosemary tea will help the blood circulation.
Licorice root can be used and raises blood pressure, and can be used as a tea.
People with high blood pressure should not consume licorice.
Licorice candy raises blood pressure in people that eat it every day. Even very small doses of licorice raises blood pressure when taken regularly, even as low as 50 mg a day.
Artificially flavored licorice candy will not work.
Soaking in a warm tub of Epsom Salts for about ten minutes shortly before bedtime is helpful also. make sure the body does not get chilled after the soak or when in bed.