Re: Psychic Vampires...please help
If I were him I would try to use hemi-syncs for a while and see if the problem stops
(sorry I don't know how to paste youtube directly on the post)
This is a presentation of hemi-sync by the daughter of Robert Monroe (the great pioneer of OBE, who also invented hemi-sync). At minute 4 she actually says how it works: the right ear and the left ear receive signals of slightly different frequency (that's why it is indispensable to use headphones), as a consequence the brain has to elaborate a signal with a frequency between those two, and in doing so the two heminspheres of the brain synchronize.
When the two hemispheres are in tune a lot of good things happen that I can't even begin to list here, but specifically for your BF the tension somewhere in his brain that disturbs his sleep should be able to rapidly recover.
If you don't want to buy a CD before knowing if it works or not, emule is full of hemisyncs to download, just check that the sounds are actually (slightly)different, becuase I found some that were in mono, for some technical problem, and therefore totally useless.
What he should do is before sleep and/or during the day put the headphones on and lye in bed or on the sofa, very easy. Don't be surprised if, after some time he does that, you'll find him a bit more brilliant than usual, it's one of the side-effects :)
When the paralysis eventualy occur, I suggest he tries to breath circularly and possibly "vive":