--Candida Success Testimonial repost--New Life, No Candida, Acne, All my Ailments Gone, Periods Returned and now Expecting Baby !--
Well it's been a while since I've vistited this little gem of a forum and I just
wanted to check in and thank you Moreless for your tireless dedication to
helping people help themselves. You are brilliant.
I started reading Moreless and trying out some of his suggestions before this
forum started. I came across him on the acid / alkaline forum and the candida
forum. I had put up with candida symptoms for about 10 years before I realised I
could do something about it. I started out with the usual candida diet, an
arsenal of anti-fungals and a fortune worth of superfoods. Much to my dismay I
only seemed to get worse. I put that down to die-off and continued in my spiral
downwards. It was then that I started looking further afield and read about "the
terrain" and ph balancing. I promptly quit all candida protocol and took up
moreless' suggestions with almost instant results. Although my recovery wasn't
always comfortable, die-off became a thing of the past and my energy levels
began to rise steadily. Then I decided to really go for it. I was absoutely
vigilant: eating very little grain [sprouted] or protien [cold water fish or
sprouted nuts and seeds], testing my food with the refractometer, sipping on
mineral broths, taking the drink 3 times a day, alkalising baths and enemas
every 2nd day, alkalising showers, the spritzing, rebounding the whole shebang.
Of course I also set about changing my whole lifestyle. I changed from working
nights to a day job, attempted to get regular exercise, practised deep breathing
and affirmations, hell in the end I even up and moved to work on an isolated
bio-dynamic farm where the air was fresh, the water from a spring and the food -
straight from the fields, ripe, in season and [mostly] top quality to boot.
It took a while for some to go, but I can now say that I am healed of ALL my
ailments. In fact most of my problems dissappeared pretty early on but some
lingering afflictions, like acne, didn't go untill I got to the farm. And here's
a powerful testimonial for quality food; 1 week after eating only the farm's
produce my skin errupted into a horror of a healing reaction. 3 weeks later it
had entirely cleared and has stayed that way. I had acne since my early 20's. I
am now 34.
Oh so many thing to tell you about! My periods had ceased when I started all
this cleansing and healing and stuff. I posted to moreless about it as I was
starting to think about having a baby. He suggested I take extra Manganese and
zinc [I think] which I did for about 4 months. My monthly cycle returned
regularly and now I am expecting my first baby.
Of course it is not practical for everyone to leave their lives behind to go
farming, or even jump into such a change of lifestyle boots and all, but we all
have choices. It is a question of how much it is worth to you? It is not always
easy, I lost a few friends along the way [one's I could do without], alienated a
couple of family members, bored a few reluctant listeners with my monologues
about healthy living and gained a reputation as a born again hippy but it is oh
so worth it.
I no longer need to be so aggressive in my quest for health and only take the
drink once a day, depending on what I've been eating. The healthy eating and
lifestyle have become automatic but I am not obsessive about it now. I
occasionally have a glass of wine or a piece of cake or a protien meal for
dinner just to sociable. With all things it is all about the balance.
Opps! by the length of this post I think I'm monologuing again. All I really
want to say is thank you again moreless and if you are sitting on the fence
about this alkalising stuff, just get on with it.
p.s hey to anyone out there who may remember me. Good to see a few familiar
names - grz and evanluck.