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Re: Rebounding made me acid !
remi96 Views: 2,393
Published: 19 y
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Re: Rebounding made me acid !

Hi Maya

I read over it a few times. It does not specifically state what should be done to avoid becoming acid. I hear time and time again that there must enough alkaline minerals. As I have said before I basically have green coming out of ears at this point. Green grass drinks, salads everyday, juicing kale and collard greens,concentrace minerals in water with seas salt, taking vits and mins on top of all of it. I do not believe I could possibly take anymore into my body without gorging. I have candida and I filled with toxins as this beast does off. I take in as many minerals as possible but what else might one do. I know I also hear time and time again about the proper electrical energy. And what does that mean exactly. How can drinking grasses, wheat juice, salads full of greens, etc not be enough electrical energy? I do not feel it is even possible to get enough in my body neutralize it. There is just sooooo much. If you saw what was coming out of me when I use the bathroom you would understand. Bowel movements that look normal until one delves a little deeper and realizes they are held together with huge strands of's scary to say the least bt better out than in. But as candida dies it releases bursts of toxins , probably too much for my body to filter. If I do not get rid of it I will sick forever, if I get rid of it I have to deal with die off. I am currently doing p & b shakes to try to absorb and sweep out more of the junk. Also eating tons of homemade yogurt. I am not sure what else I can do.

It also seemed as thought the yogurt made me acid. But it is the yogurt or the reaction with candida that is causing the acid reaction?




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