From Acid to Alkaline
Hello, some of you may remember a post I started called “juicing is saving my life” over in the juice forum. Somehow, I think thanks to “FF” I found this forum. Now, let me say that I’ve most always been a lurker but the immediate effects I have had following the advice on curezone has actually inspired me to post. Not that I have much to add or valuable questions. See I go though the “archives” where you can almost always find your answers.
You can find other things too you see who posts a lot and who provides the info and how some just take up space like I am now… You get to “know” people by the way they post and how what they say helps you….
With all that said, I feel 100% positive that this forum is saving my life and will make the quality of my life 10000% better. NONE of the knowledge I gained here has let me down in any way. In fact, all I wanted was to feel a little better and now I feel as if I have been reborn. I have gained more than I’ve ever though possible. That is the thing about learning though, we usually have to “un learn” what we think we know, this makes us somehow feel stupid and inferior. At least this is what I see in myself.
With that said I have learned that I needed to see myself as a plain idiot who has always had the answers right in from of me but I could not see that without a constant slap in the face. This forum had provided me….more or less…… with that and for that I’m forever grateful. I would never question the motives or methods used to deliver this knowledge to me.
Some think that it is my choice whether to be in a good mood or in a bad one. While I’ll agree that it is indirectly, I also feel that becoming more Alkaline has made that choice for me. I could not smile like I can now before I came here. In this way I don’t need to test PH in the morning! I know that I’m moving in the right direction.
Perhaps some will read this and will be inspired like I was to be open regardless of what they think them and actually try. Then maybe their negative thoughts will stop interfering with the external methods of PH balancing and they will achieve results. I believe this was happening to me for a looooong time. I’m finding more and more that thoughts indeed play a large role in pH balancing. Not just bad or good thoughts, but in general about life. Simply put, do you see things like the glass, half full or empty? When I changed my point of view by alkalizing, my point of view helped me to alkalize!
I cant possibility convey how much better my whole life is because of this forum nor can I convey the amount of gratitude I feel is justified towards the individuals responsible for my knowledge…….. I’m smiling, are you?