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Re: baking soda
sans sucre Views: 1,450
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 111,631

Re: baking soda

I have used it - and it does work. But, as Moreless says, (and I agree) using this will not get you healthy. In other words, you are not supplying the minerals you would need to sustain the ph level the baking soda will give you, and if you stop, your PH will probably go right back down. I get around this by doing both. I mineralize AND use the bs. Reason is because I have found that there are immediate benefits to having an alkaline ph, and waiting for the minerals to kick in can take some time (months), so I use the bs to get and keep it up, while my body is healing from the minerals and one day that (minerals) should be all I need.


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