Re: What exactly is your candida protocol...
This is my philosophy too, having also "cured" my condition. HIT IT HARD AND FAST...
CIC, you know aswell as I do that oregano oil, caprylic acid, bovine colostrum, products that sensationalise dormant digestive enzymes etc etc are are a crock of crap... Colloidal silver is essentially the magic bullet without a doubt (there maybe others but I'm not aware of them), however to actually prevent any re-occurance you have to be addressing the bigger picture with regards to your overall bodily state which is precisely what you are doing... The most important aspect of this process is to resolve the leaky gut, if you have one. If the LG is resolved then colloidal silver will blast the candida out of the water and it will provide you with great pleasure to know that the candida cannot cope when you begin to drink the silver.
My protocol/methodology utilises kefir grains... The logic underpinning my reasoning for consuming kefir grains in large quantities specifically after consuming a heavy dose of colloidal silver is as follows...
Once your tongue goes pink, you know that the candida has been throttled right down from your mouth through the esophagus and into the intestine. Its plausible that any colloidal silver than actually manages to make it down to the intestine will also destroy any other unicellular pathogens (including non candida types) and thus leads to what I call the "window of opportunity". This is the point when your intestine is currently within a state that is most conducive to gaining a succesful implantation of beneficial bacteria, and this is absolutely critical to long term success.
Once I reached what I retrospectively define as the "window of opportunity" I consumed about 25 large marble kefir grains over a 2 day period (no milk culture at this point). Kefir grains are essentially the perfect tool to establish beneficial colonies within the intestine, firstly and contrary to pro-biotic tablets kefir is a living entity as opposed to a dormant pill, so therefore it goes to work immediately. Secondly, a kefir grain the size of a large marble will provide literally trillions of bacteria.... how many sachets of ("Mr pro-biotic" tablets, dormant pro-biotics) would you have to buy to achieve that I wonder ??
Therefore as you can see I hit the candida hard and fast with the CS, it is so effective at killing candida that it only takes a few weeks of usage in my case, although I had used colloidal silver in small quantities for months, the small dose temporarily controlled the candida albicans but didn't nuke it completely whilst I was focused upon regaining my intestinal health. I achieved the "nuking stage" by drinking 150 ml per day of mild golden yellow coloured CS (produced by my SOTA instruments CS generator, other generators ought to be fine however I cannot comment on them), you will learn about colour and strength when you learn more about producing colloidal silver). I then used the pink tongue as an indicator defining the "window of opportunity" subsequently loading my intestine with what I estimate to be about 50 trillion benefical bacteria within 2 days via consuming kefir grains... (the 2nd magic bullet) and then continued to consume a couple of grains every other day even to this day along with organic unhomogenised milk culture (Now I only consume a couple of grains a week and a little culture merely as general maintenance.
To answer the qustion of "can you lead a regular life after candida" although my experience has certainly educated and changed my view of food and my intentions are to eat super healthily in the near future... I'm currently eating pizza, Indian/Chinese curries, chips, fruit and even drink red wine ! I took the decision to eat these food types again for two reasons, one, to eliminate the psychological trauma of having to eat nothing other than salad for 18 months (I thought a low GI diet was the answer to candida when I hadn't a clue how to deal with the issue) and secondly to test and prove to myself that I had finally overcome candida to the extent that I could lead a "functional" life again by eating these food types, and I can unequivocally say that after several months of eating these items my tongue is completely pink, all is well and I feel free as a bird, I hope that answers your question.
So no more fretting over dinner dates for social nights out... the key is getting those kefir grains inside of you as they are a little miracle of nature, and boy/girl, nature certainly provides us with the tools to live healthily.
When I have more time I will post my complete experience and methodology on the candida forum, I have replied here as you are clearly well on your way to success and a worthwhile person to respond to. (I aint here to waste my time).