--Lemon Juice vs ACV in the Alkalizing Drink--
Hi Ya'll,
I have mentioned some about the problems one may have with using a lot of ACV !
And that most folks may do Best by using the Lemon Juice !
Now I would like to throw out some ideas for more thought about the ACV !
For I myself use both and may rotate as to what may be available easiest !
So, let us consider ACV and what it is and how it is made ?
Pure ACV is crushed apples and it's juice, which has been fermented by the action of Bacteria(Mother) til all of the Natural sugars have been used up and there is no more food for the Bacteria to Digest and we then have a Stable Fermented product, which will keep without refrigeration for many years, if kept out of the sunlight !
And it will not support anymore Bacterial Life and the mother in it may go Dormant as the bacteria's food source has been used up !
Let us again consider what happened?
As long as there was food for the bacteria to Live on, the apple juice does not turn into ACV, or may we consider that if we continued to add more crushed apples or juice, then we would not end up with ACV, but maybe hard cider?
Could it be possible then to take Pure ACV and by adding enough Live Carbons as Blackstrap Molasses and enough Calcium as lime water, that maybe one may Neutralize most of the Acids and again activate the Bacterial action by providing the needed food to support Live again ?
I myself have not had "ANY" problem using ACV for my Alkalizing Drink, but maybe it is because I may use plenty of BSM and Lime water along with the ACV?
I add enough Lime water to cut most of the Acidity of the ACV, but not enough to make it taste too chalky !
And use 1-2 Tablespoonsful of BSM with the drink when making it with ACV !
But, when a person does not have Good Digestive Bacteria to begin with, and not enough Live Carbons to support the needed Digestive Bacteria, as well as also being too Acidic, then the use of ACV may Cause problems as I have mentioned in the past posts?
And those with more Health problems may find they may Recover faster with the use of Fresh Lemon Juice?
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.