Hu-Mana-Tea dosing question
I'm soon going to start taking some Hu-Mana-Tea. For those of you who've used it, how do you decide which dosing method to use? If there's no "known" cancer, but various undiagnosable health issues, is Moderate enough, or should I go ahead and try Aggressive? Or is just Preventative dosing enough?
Also, my tea should be arriving soon. I've also ordered my second round of Humaworm, which will be extra strength. Both have shipped, so should arrive any day. I won't be starting the Humaworm for another 3 weeks. Do you think I should start the tea immediately on arrival, or just go ahead and start along with the Humaworm? I know you can do both at the same time (just separate dosing a couple hours apart), but I'm not sure if it would be best for me to have a few weeks running with the tea first. I guess it might be a good way to see if some improvements are due strictly to the tea.
I'm the family guinea pig. Myself, my sisters, aunt and mother have a whole lot of various ill health symptoms but nothing the doctors can say for definitive causes. Especially my younger sister, whom I REALLY worry about. I definitely saw some improvements on the first round of Humaworm, nothing externally drastic but enough to know it was doing lots of internal good. I expect this second round will help a lot, and I will be recommending Humaworm to the sister. I'm hoping the tea will also help for the unknowns. I'm hoping I can recommend the tea to her also. Since doing the first round, I've been taking niacin to help with circulation and detox, so I'm looking forward to seeing if it aids the Humaworm and tea ... let 'em get in where they need to go and transport out the bad stuff more effeciently!