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Re: worried--please encourage!
I hope this will help. I've read about how Dr Omura helped people. He said when the body has heavy metals. the viruses and bacteria like to hide behind it and he could not really cure his patients till he discovered that some of his patients did quite well. He found they ate a lot of cliantro and when he tested their urine it was high in heavy metals, so it seemed to rid the body of heavy metals like mercury, cadmium etc... So he started helping people get well by encouraging them to eat cilantro pesto to rid the heavy metals so that the viruses, parasites, etc.. had noting to hide behind. Then the patients started recovering.
Alot of people on this forum have said they had great success with the humanatea that the sells. I did some research on this tea and found it also helps rid the body of these heavy metals and has done oh so much more. It has the same ingredients as Essiac tea. Google Essiac tea health benfits if you want to know more.
I know that getting rid the heavy metals for me has been the most important step towards recovery of my health. Dr klinghardt thinks heavy metals are a huge impact on the health of the body. Also I've read on a candida website that they believe candida is the body's way of protecting itself from harmful heeavy metals. That the candida will go away once the heavy metals are chelated. All this IMHO.