Re: LOM..Law of Manifestation
Those sharks definitely do not have others good in mind.
I do believe that LOA works WITHOUT having others good in mind, if it is really your desire to get something. The person who will be attracted by a shark is in alignment with the shark vibrationally.
I do believe however, that those sharks might be rich but lack in other parts of their life, such as fulfilling relationships or health.
I noticed this statement "many of those who are the wealthiest are some of the most miserable, bored and unhappy individuals". I think those must be the ones that got rich by default.
I dont believe you can attract lots of money if not feeling joyful about it and life.
The ones who got rich by default may not stay rich and most likely show things such as poor health, unhappy relationships etc.
To have it all one has to be loving (including having the good of others in mind), joyful and focused on desires.