Re: Feedback from the Zapperguy at ebay
Mercury does leach into the body and will not be found on blood analysis. It will be found in hair analysis.
More significant than the mercury silver poisoning is what it does to the electronics of the human body. Specifically the Meridians and the Central Nervous system.
You put any metal perpendicular to the normal pathways of the meridians and that WILL interfer with body physiology. Has to - it's simple electronics.
Plus the Central nervous system gets invovled. Again it's metal affecting electronics. The facial nerves feedback to the brain (cranial nerves) and interfer with the normal flow of nerve energy to the rest of the body. Specifically the 10th cranial nerve (Vagus) which is also known as the Prasympathetic nervous system which just happens to run ALL your organs.
So having metal in your mouth is NOT a good thing from many different standpoints. The most important being the interference to the Cental nervous system and the meridians. Of course the poisoning is a problem too but secondary to the others.
Get rid of ther metal in your mouth, your body will thank you for doing so.
Doc Sutter