There are 3 clinics in Playas de Tijuana that offer the Gerson
therapy. The original is CHIPSA which I visited recently which only
had 2 people there. The other is Meridian which I have not seen. The
one that Mrs. Gerson is now with and the only one she recommends is
at Oasis of Hope.
We were there a few months ago as visitors for the wonderful meals
they have. We go for non toxic dental work to a dentist there and
always eat at the clinic and talk with patients to try to show them
someone in the flesh that has recovered.It is always an uplifting
experience especially if Charlot Gerson comes in and has a meal with
us.She is now 78 years old and does not even wear glasses. They are
really good people there that will spend their time with you on the
phone or in person even if if they do not make a dime off you.