Re: Questions about Homeopathic Meds - and Tapering Off Xanax. Need Help!
I just read half of your story and I think that being on the bith pill has put your natural level of hormones out. There is a LOT of info on how to put things right on Dr john lee MD site.He has de bunked a of of myths about womens hormone levels and the real story is that it is progesterone is the more important one as that is the one that makes estrogen in the first place.
Eastrogne imbalance will cause anxiety, mimic thyriod problems,lumps and bumps that may/maynot be cancerous, etc,.. there is a long list of problems it cuases. Drs never really measure womens hormone levels properly in the first place as this means meausring over a month to see what is really going on.
Chronic anxiety will igve you strange dreams and all sorts of health problems.
I really belelive that once the hormone levels are sorted then your anxiety levels will just halv.
any chance you can take a break fomr birth pill? that stuff will mess you up big time - been there done that. Never again inmy life will I mess my hormones, men can learn to take some respeonsibiliy, or use some other method??