According to TCM, the liver is the seat of anger (and the liver regulates smoothity). I did a flush last night and something must have gotten stuck in my intrahepatic bile ducts because I was completely and inappropriately furious for a bunch of hours today. This is the first flush I've done (of many) where I chose to drink a cup of coffee instead of doing my fourth ES + water... just digging my heels in. I'm back to normal, and I really think that flushing for the past 2 years has cleared up a lot of anger, but I was caught by surprise today.
Secondly (to report), two nights ago I did a regular enema bag full of water and 11 drops of iodine. I am sure I've beat a lifetime record for number of trips to the bathroom in a 48-hour period (by far) -- this is combined with the flush from last night with 2 ES drinks last night and one this morning. So much came out so fast that this is the first flush where I didn't take the time to scrutinize everything, so I really don't know how this compared to others in terms of stones (size and number) -- I just didn't see everything, but OMG was it a lot of "material". Also in this mix was one Colonix drink and some results of HumaWorm (suspended for the past 2 days, to be resumed tonight). So far I've come, so long to go.