Re:Welcome back Ananda
Hi Ananda, really glad to see that you are posting again,
Your posts are truly inspiring to others. You are very much needed here.
I am all for us, as a group, coming more together to support each other. After all this is a support forum.
Everyone is familiar with growing pains of adolescence. It is a necessary part of growth. It is the process of finding one’s own identity. It comes with growing up and becoming more mature. It is what all individuals go through. It is the same for a collective group of individuals, as it is with this
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Support Forum.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement forum is still in its infancy. It is not yet even a juvenile. As a support forum, there are many things to figure out yet in how this forum is to run.
As for the 'Troll Alert' messages.
Sorry, if you were confused with the ‘Troll Alert’ messages. The more you become familar with how posts relate to one another, the more you will understand who is saying what to whom.
‘Troll Alert’ something I picked up from the
Iodine Supplementation Forum. I may be mistaken, but I think this may be where this term may have been coined originally. A Troll is defined as a person that goes around to forums to specifically create trouble. And, I can assure you at this time that I have never considered you a troublemaker.
As one that was involved with the
Iodine Forum, I remember a poster in particular by the name of LNDolls that would alert the moderators to the fact that she had just encountered a “Troll”, a troublemaker, and would instantly post a “Troll Alert!” message in the subject field just beneath the trouble-maker’s message. This was done to help alert the moderators (and the other members of the forum) so that they could easily see that there was a problem with this particular poster. They would then do whatever was needed to settle down the situation. In this way, the cohesion of the support forum could be better maintained. I was quite impressed with the efficacy and use of the ‘Troll Alert’messages. I remembered it and recently started to implement it here, because I felt that there were too many people in this forum wanting to take in down with negative messaging.
The moderators seemed to have picked up on it very quickly and have moved very quickly to take care of recent troll problems. Perhaps, this is method has been used before I became a user, I’m not really sure. Its just important to not use it unnecessarily, otherwise, ‘Troll Alert’ will lose its meaning (i.e. we know what happened to the boy that cried ‘wolf’ too much…) and the mods may begin to ignore it.
Iodine and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement have some similarities. But they also are quite distinctly different in how they are used and for what they are being used for.
Iodine has had a long history of being tainted as a poison. If you read on what iodophobia is in The History of
Iodine Part III, you will come to understand how ‘iodophobia’ came about. “Medical Iodophobia is the unwarranted fear of using and recommending inorganic, non-radioactive iodine.” Guy E. Abraham, M.D. and David Brownstein, M.D. offer a rebuttal to this unwarranted fear in an article found at
MMS has a similar phobia that is being touted by the likes of Dr(?) Mark Sircus [magnascentiodine] and Bruce Crighton, #76749 and others that had regularly posted on this forum.
Recently, I spotted Bruce’s highly emotionalized post in the MMS Debate forum in which he was frantically pleading with those that were not banned from this forum to come here and interfere with the attempts that were being made to provide information to a Polish woman who said her father had a brain tumor. She was unable to obtain MMS where she lived but was able to purchase some sodium chlorite from a chemical supplier near where she lived. Her and her father had been taking it for eight days and had come here seeking advice. Bruce Crighton’s panic quickly infected others on the DEBATE Forum.
Moments later I saw that there were perhaps a dozen posts that suddenly appeared that contained negative comments with regard to MMS. Many, here, were surprised, because
I don’t think they understood what was happening. The forum was, in fact, under an attack by a number of Trolls. Sent by Bruce Crighton a.k.a. ‘biosafe’. The best thing I felt to do was to place ‘Troll Alert” messages after each one of the messages that was intended to disrupt this forum. The next morning after logging on, I saw that the mods had cleaned up the forum very nicely.
Unlike iodine, MMS is in a more difficult position to defend itself. Basically, it lacks research and proper scientific data to support it because the research has not been carried out for it to be used in this way. It is riding mostly on testimonials and individual case studies. Some day this will change, I am certain.
A support forum consists of a group of participants that come together to share their common and, perhaps, not so common experiences…to share information…to share their love for life. Through each of these individuals runs a common thread… on this forum that common thread is the search for the health and well-being through the the use of the MMS protocol. Not only are we here to share our experiences through the taking of MMS but we are here to support each other along the way towards that goal of better health. Support is very much a part of it.
It has been observed that there has been many ugly comments made to other fellow posters on this forum that are truly unnecessary.
There are many new posters that come here, and many of those that have health problems. Most people are here because they have something or other that doesn’t make them feel very good. A lot of this antagonism is the expression of the various dis-eases one is feeling going on within himself and it is put into the messages as a means of catharsis. Perhaps this is done unconsciously. In this instance it may be wise to help our fellow visitors to wake up or go somewhere else.
It may do some good to express such negativity but it certainly does no good for others to read and absorb whatever the other is vomiting out in printed word form. It is suggested as a reminder that if one wants to express their dislike in a vindictive way for what another has written, that this individual go directly to the DEBATE forum (does not pass Go and does not collect $100) to do their catharsis therapy over there. As there are plenty over there that don’t mind absorbing more of someone else’ dis-eases. And, to please refrain from doing here on this SUPPORT Forum. Otherwise, they will just be spreading their disease around here to the other fellow forum supporters.
I feel that if we can come to a concensus on this as a group in support of each other that we can all help make this a better environment for all those that have not yet come here to discover the benefits of MMS for themselves. We can come together and make it better for ourselves and others.
The only people who can have their right to police their own toxicity taken away, are those who don’t know the consequences of inaction, and the natural power that their own bodies possess to heal. It starts right here.
Cheers and thank you for your post.