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the grades are in...HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON
MtnnnDewww Views: 400
Published: 17 y

the grades are in...HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON

"F" on national defense. Loathes the military and what it stands for. Will make sweeping "internal social" changes if she gets half the chance. Morale will plummet with a woman in charge, just watch. Her husband loathed the military, she loathes more. Foreign enemies will take advantage of her despise for her own forces and test her arond the globe. She will be forced to act...or not. Want to take that chance? She'll make Jimmy Carter look like Dick Cheney.

"F" on taxation. She wants what you got. She wants health care in the worst way and you all are going to pay out every orafice. Get ready! Health care will suck so much more of what she says it will cost...a real economic disaster on the horizon. Government does very, very, very little correctly and efficiently. She seems to think otherwise. If you are a W-2 employee during her four years, your paycheck is going to get raped. Think it's bad now? Hillary knows better what to do with your money...and she'll prove it!

"D" on social issues. You want gay marriage? Hillary will make it happen. Lawyers will love a Hillary administration because lawsuits will abound. Regulations will be overturned. Hillary wants to change everything traditional, from judges to who you can fire on the job. America will never be the same after her tenure. If you live the alternative lifestyle, or don't have career aspirations beyond Starbucks, or are an athiest...she's your girl. Democrats who state they are "religious" better run for cover! Your world is about to become FREEE-KAAAY!!!

"D" on economics. Her immense spending dreams will put the hurt on small and medium business. Watch your wallets! Hillary does not understand economics the way you think she would, being from Wellesley and all. She's a taker. Producers will hate her. Hillary will blame high unemployment on other concerns. Just watch. Programs will thrive that don't make income. Businesses that show profit will have a target on their backs.

"C" on foreign affairs. Similar to Obama, Hillary loves a party. And a lot of Europeans and such will take to her at first. But after it's all said and done, she'll be very average and won't really make a dent. Middle East leaders will not perceive a woman, whomever she is, as strong. That's life. Those pant suits aren't intimidating enough. Margaret Thatcher she ain't. But for the first couple years, she'll be Princess Di all over again.

"F" on Supreme Court Judges. This is the area you gotta watch. The health care thing could die on the vine because of red tape, but this is her stamp. She makes the call here and is just itch'in to put a couple loons in the seats. Dangerous, so dangerous, people. The laws her people make could change the traditions of America forever. That's a real possibility. Hillary has the support of Dems in both could happen. You think lawyers are scum now? You haven't seen anything yet will all the laws upcoming from a Hillary-run Presidency.


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