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Newcomer starting today!
2dreem Views: 1,282
Published: 19 y

Newcomer starting today!

Hey guys, I've been on curezone for a few months now and would usually glance through this forum thinking what a great idea it was and that I should start doing it soon, but I never felt really motivated to try because I don't have any gum or teeth problems which seems to be what it's most effective for. I had actually read about this a while ago on some website when I was doing a lot of health research. I read that swishing olive oil in your mouth for a few minutes could pull out harmful microbes and thought it sounded interesting, but I never tried it. So just today when I was starting to feel a little fluey, I tried, in addition to a few other treatments, pulling. It was amazing! Exactly like everyone describes! I used sunflower oil and about a few seconds after I put it in my mouth it started getting really thick and when I spat it out it was very yellow and thick with an almost chunky texture. I did it for about 2 minutes and then did it 2 times more times then swished with salt water and brushed my teeth. I'm already feeling better! I will definietly be adding this to my health regime. Thanks so much for this forum and I'll keep you posted on my results! Love, Mary


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