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Weather, by MH
MH 108 Views: 956
Published: 17 y

Weather, by MH

In the winter of 2008, possible 2-3 days a person may have tried to ice fish. Actually the first day that the fish/game officers opened th local state lake to ice fishing, a fisherman fell through and drowned. By the first week of Febuary all the water is ice free; while normally the ice would be up to a foot thick.

Mnay years ago people owned allot of ski mobiles, while in my area today it is a rare thing to ever see a ski mobile.

Jet skis for the water have taken over and water sports became more and more popular. Our local ski resort has been shut down more than it has been open and has bare patches of grass showing on the slopes and 50 degree weather. "IF" all our rain had been snow, we would be driving in tunnels of snow.

It may be all natural and just the way weather goes. Regardless, those living at sea level seem to be owning ocean in the near future and not ocean front property.

All our creeks ands rivers are over flowing into fields, something we are not normally use to until at least another month. How on earth can these people live along the major rivers!!!! Seems impossible! If a river can rise 20 feet or more, it is a powerful force!




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