I think we all have poor health.Ive smoked weed when my upper lip was healing.I bit my upper lip accidentally taking a lil junk off .I was stupid to peel it off frequently.And made things worse.I Went through a period where i couldn't even keep my lips in place.It would peel off and come back.Became an annoying cycle.
Now my lips look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better.Im hoping it will last and heal in the next couple of months
I have a strict healthy diet.Occasionally drink pepsi once a day. Im about to eat some fried rice.Going to add some dressing and tomatoes
I take 4 types of vitamins each day.Im going to get Evening Primrose Oil next week.
anyone curious what type of vitamins i take.I'll post more info later.Sorry for my poor grammar btw :p