17 y
Re: Complimentary MMS therapies
"Our family has a history of Parkinsons/Alzheimers, and we found out
how sensitive we are to toxic metals (mercury) about 10 years ago when our
grandkids were diagnosed with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder)."
I know next to nothing about any of those disorders, but I do remember
clearly a program either on PBS or 60 Minutes about a child born with Downs
Syndrome who was given massage for 8 to 10 hours a day and I believe it was 5 or
6 days a week. If I remember right this began about 6 months of age and
continued for at least a couple of years. Many family members pitched in
and rotated their time along with several neighbors. The outcome was a
child at the normal intelligence level. My point is that besides looking
at all the physical solutions as in MMS, Rife, or whatever you find "out
there" - we each possess a tremendous healing capacity within
ourselves. Don't overlook your own healing abilities. Touch healing
is a powerful force. Every massage therapist that I've had the guts to ask
"do you know you are a healer?" have all responded in the
affirmative. Our healing energies come out our hands and fingers as well
as other areas.
From what little I know, autistic children are often detached and difficult
to get to and that makes connecting with them on either a physical or mental
level difficult. (I have three autistic adults living in my apartment
building.) Yet I think that with patience it is possible to get
through. There are massage therapists who specialize in this area and the
results are not particularly rapid, but they can be positive. I believe
that it is also something that can be learned by family members.
I took up massage several years ago (self taught) and use my healing energies
while doing them. About ten years ago I gave a single massage to a woman
who had fallen off of a horse around age 12 and her foot was caught in the
stirrup and she was dragged for several feet before becoming untangled.
She went through physical therapy for a long time for the resulting spinal pain
she suffered as a result of her injuries. She claimed that my one massage
gave her more relief from her back difficulties "than 5 years of physical
therapy." That was not my objective, and I didn't ask anything about
the benefits of the massage. That was what I was told the next time we
met. Anyone can heal through touch. (I do not do deep tissue
massage. Don't believe in it. Took a five day seminar with Illana
Rubenfeld who created Rubenfeld Synergy, and she said that light touch is much
more healing than heavy touch.) With children - and seniors too, it may
take time and patience but if you're into that type of thing the results can be
The healing energies are what you as spirit create. The healing being
received the healee is what they are able to receive. I've also done
non-touch healing work on an adult granddaughter and many others, with
significant results too.
Don't overlook your own innate healing abilities independent of formulas,
machines, devices, and medical assistance.