>> I am of the very strong opinion that we need adequate amounts of both ioding and >> vitamin D
From what I remember that thread trapper pointed you too goes deep enough into why this may not be so. First the distinction between 25-D and 1,25-D and then the fact that unconverted 25-D works opposite to 1,25-D so therefore massive intake without sun exposure and or the bodies ability to convert may be detrimental:
from that thread:
According to recent molecular models, the steroid 25-D binds the Vitamin D Receptor and affects the activity of the immune system as well, but in a manner opposite to 1,25-D. When the steroid 25-D binds the Vitamin D Receptor, it decreases the activity of the receptor, causing the innate immune system to slow down and shut off. This effect begins around 20 ng/ml and gradually increases with higher levels of 25-D, until the VDR becomes completely blocked.