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Re: Whoa! Retracing symptoms is for real!
spacehoppa Views: 2,926
Published: 17 y
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Re: Whoa! Retracing symptoms is for real!


Oh good luck on the adoption. I hope it all goes quickly and smoothly for you.

I'm speaking out of turn here as I know nothing about your situation and you've obviously made peace with your decision to adopt, so please forgive me, but I just wanted to add that if you can get the RA under control it will almost certainly improve your fertility. Out of control RA is just not conducive to pregnancy. It interferes with regular ovulation and stresses the body too much. It's not something that is much discussed in the literature, but if you ask your rheumatologist, I'm sure they'd agree. My own fertility improves when my RA improves. I hope it's the same for you.

As for the leg pains being caused by mineral depletion, I doubt that's the reason in my case either as I take a combination of magnesium oil and magnesium orotate every day, as well as a regular mineral supplement, and I eat my greens too.

The pains weren't cramping exactly, just 'growing pains' exactly as you described Cammy. It was weird but didn't last long, just a few nights. I think it lasted until my body got used to the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , or maybe it was retracing. It's hard to say.

I also had one night when I had a sharp(ish) pain in the region of my stomach ulceration for about half an hour. It's funny, because I felt very zen about it at the time, sort of like 'oh, that'll be the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement fixing my stomach', and so it was! It hasn't hurt since!


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