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[video/audio embedded] Kaeru Frogs

Boy, is this ever an interesting thread! I've been paying attention to my thoughts around money for a very long time. When I was married, my ex-husband and I were about as poor as dirt! My ex was incredibly nasty and judgmental about people with money, and I told him that this was a surefire recipe for not ever having any! If you throw stones at people with money, what's the chance that you'll have any yourself? I also realized many, many years ago that one of my mother's favorite sayings was, "I did without so that you could have!", and she would say it with a lot of bitterness and resentment. Then one day I realized that I was also hearing another message in this statement by simply flipping it around. If I had "have" does that automatically mean that my mother is doing without? Man, parents who compete with their kids like that is really a huge mind fvck and a half! She was also very bitter towards my father, who really enjoyed some of the finer things in life! How ridiculous is that to harbor resentment towards someone who is enjoying their life a bit! And another thing that I realized about my relationship with money was that I managed it in a similar way that I was managing time. With both time and money, I would always have a sense of there not being enough of it, and fearing that both would run out!

Fortunately, I am finally starting to heal this! With both time and money I am starting to find that there is always enough of it, and even some to go around to give away! Just today I received an email from someone that owes me money, and also a prospective buyer for my car. And I have had complete strangers approach me on the street and just hand me money and coffee without my even asking for it! I had some real fun the other evening with a million dollar bill that a magician had given me. And I have this funny feeling that fairly quickly that bill is going to actually become real! Although, I will certainly be needing much, much more than that, lol!

I just found a very interesting site link! I carried a little brass frog in my wallet for many, many years. I had read that this was a good luck charm because the word kaeru means both frog and return in Japanese. Within the last day or so, I realized that this brass frog is missing. And now I am convinced that it has left me because I no longer need it! Woohoo, I'm filthy, stinking rich, lol! Aha! As if that wasn't good enough, I now find out that kaeru frogs are also a traditional wedding favor! L@@k out! I'm also getting married, lol! Now, if my man will just catch up with me, lololol!



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