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Heres the truth to me for Republicans
Healme Views: 1,549
Published: 17 y

Heres the truth to me for Republicans

We need a republican president who will work across the table true or false? True
None of the republican canidates are totally conservative true or false? True
All the Candidates running on the republican side will work across the table true or false? True
McCain: Liberal conservative
Romney: Moderate conservative
Huckabee: Alittle more conservative than the other 2 but by a small percentage.

In essence to me McCain leaning alittle too much across the table and its because he has the same beliefs on some things as democrats Doesn't make him popular when its a core republican belief.

Romney will lean across the table but not on Core principles really important to the party unlike McCain

Huckabee will do the same as Romney but will at times surprise everyone by doing something very conservative and at times something very liberal.

So there you have it who would be the best balance ? Obvious if you are a republican it would be Romney. IF you want to keep the principles of your party and still make changes and be effective that is.

Now for democrats Will both parties reach across the table? Not sure
Will Hillary? Not often
Will Obama? More often

So out of democrats who would reach more across the table to get things done ? probably Obama

So what do Americans want? If its a Republican I want Romney! If its a democrat I wan't Obama! But I don't want Billary and I don't want McCain!!!
Believe or not as a conservative republican I want this war to end and McCain I am afraid will just dig it deeper. Can anyone here relate!!!


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