Re: looks like biosafe checked out indeed... surprise, surprise
I did expect an outcome of this sort (they show up out of nowhere, raise hell and disappear just as quickly into the ozone)...
bless his heart with all his lunatic maniacal rambling, that was impossible to make a sense out of or figure out just WHAT exactly was his point (other that he was angry, arrogant and egotistical).
And to make it little more difficult to "get called on it", it is SO CONVENIENT and effective to use the added tactic of calling ANYONE questioning your claims stupid and ignorant...
this will almost guarantee you, that no one will DARE to pursue or challenge your own tortured logic too far for fear of looking stoopid....
These antics are so lame, predictable and old, yet they seem to work over and over.
Maybe one of these days these guys will learn to channel their need for melodrama and attention into more productive ways, but in the meantime - what a pain in the butt to have to deal with it, isn't it?