Re: strange observation
oh hai!
that sounds like a very exciting and fun time with the band! I also think it's best
to mend a longing heart with things that keep your mind occupied.
I have also started on my own little endeavorers,taking up snowboarding whenever
i decide to spend the money (about $600 for quality gear/$50 a day all day ski pass,$20 gas to get out there,$180/night single super suite,4 hours total drive in the winter) boxing/Brazilian jujitsu and during the summer hitting up the drag strip once again! hoping to hit 13s in the 1/4 mile in my 2007 mustang GT.i also taking hand gun defensive course phase 1 then some assault rifle defensive tactical training here in april coming up ,so I have ALOT on my plate as well lol.
have also taken up drawing again to help calm my nerves and mind..
I think it's so sweet in a day in age like today that there are still
girls like you left..faithful and horny lol.He is one lucky dude!
take care.